...Detective Comics #267, the first appearance of Bat-Mite, hit the newstands. Unfortunately, obligations outside of the realm of four color funny books disrupted Bat-Mite Month in recent weeks. So to make up for it, Bat-Mite Month will continue until the end of the week. For today, kick back with your favorite Bat-Mite story and celebrate fifty years of stories from Batman's biggest fan.
Bonus Hawkman by Bryan Hitch
6 years ago
Didn't I just read on SAC that it was 50 years today that Supergirl first appeared? It should be a national holiday or something.
Apparently it is indeed the 50th anniversary of Supergirl as well. Barack Obama IS a comic book fan, so he may be more receptive to declaring a national holiday in honor of a girl from another planet and a magic powered imp.
Another big 50th coming on Thursday: Sgt Rock.
Thank you for wrriting this
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