Monday, March 21, 2011

I Believe In Bat-Mite is (Really) Back

It has been over a year since I last posted, ready to blog more than I ever had before. Then, nothing. I do not have a profound explanation for this. I had a couple of projects I was working on in addition to the blog that fell through, which kind of sapped my burst of enthusiasm for producing internet content. Like I said, not much of a reason, but all the same I apologize for my radio silence. Now however, I have the enthusiasm to blog again. I am excited to talk about fifties Batman again. And I want to really, actually stick to a schedule this time. I have the rest of March and April planned out for the blog, covering a lot of stories that I have been wanting to talk about, specifically the Second Batman and Robin Team:


3/22 - "The Jungle Cat Queen!" from Detective Comics #211
3/23 - Batman: The Brave and The Bold Episode 35 - "The Super-Batman of Planet X!"
3/24 - "Two-Face Strikes Again!" from Batman #81

3/29 - "Batman Meets Fatman" from Batman #113
3/30 - Batman: The Brave and The Bold Episode 45 - "Emperor Joker!"
3/31 - "Bat-Mite's Super Circus" from Detective Comics #310


4/5 - "The Batwoman!" from Detective Comics #233
4/6 - Batman: The Brave and The Bold Episode 46 - "The Criss Cross Conspiracy!"
4/7 - "Bat-Girl!" from Batman #139

4/12 - "The Second Batman and Robin Team" from Batman #131
4/14 - "The Return of the Second Batman and Robin Team" from Batman #135

4/19 - "The Son of The Joker" from Batman #145
4/20 - Batman: The Brave and The Bold Episode 49 - "The Knights of Tomorrow!"
4/21 - "Danger Strikes Four" from Batman #154

4/29 - "The Boyhood of Bruce Wayne Jr." from Batman #159
4/31 - "Bat-Girl - Batwoman II" from Batman #163

I have other posts in mind too, but I'll leave those to be seen when they are posted.

So, there it is. I'm back, I have a plan, and I'm dedicated to posting about fifties Batman for a long time to come.